Frequently Asked Questions
System Availability:
Accreditation Inquiries:
- Why do I not have any Financing Statement types in the drop down list?
- I am trying to register an amendment, renewal or discharge and I keep getting an error message “Changes to the supplied registration number <00000000000> are not permitted”, what does this mean?
- I took the course (or challenged the exam) and passed, how come I do not have any Financing Statement types in the drop down list?
Site Coordinator Inquiries:
- How do I become a Site Coordinator?
- The Site Coordinator for our organization is no longer with our organization; I am the new Site Coordinator, what is the process to become a Site Coordinator?
- I have a new employee and I want them to have access to APPRES, what do I have to do? Please note that if the employee is accredited for registrations, please follow the steps in the next question.
- I previously worked at an organization where I had access to APPRES and I am accredited was able to perform registrations; I am now working at a different organization and need to affiliate to it, what is the process?
- I am the Site Coordinator for my organization, one of my employees has left, what is the process to prevent them from accessing APPRES?
My Account:
System Availability:6:30 a.m. to 9:15 p.m. Monday to Friday6:30 a.m. to 6:15 p.m. Saturday12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. SundayAccreditation Inquiries:
You must be accredited to submit any type of financing statement or financing change statement for registration. To become accredited requires that you take (or challenge) the APPRES exam. You can also choose to take a course prior to taking the exam. Information on exam types, course location, dates and fee please visit: answer as the point above.The Training and Accreditation Unit provide information on users that have passed an APPRES exam, provided a user id can be located, your accreditation will be updated, if one cannot be located you will be sent a form to complete and return to enable accreditation to be updated.
Site Coordinator Inquiries:
If you haven’t done so, you must create an Account User Id and password, and have requested affiliation to your organization. Or if you have a User ID and are affiliated to your organization complete the APPRES Site Coordinator Information form and return to PPR staff in one of the methods described on the form. To request a form contact PPR staff at or by phone at 1-866-301-6206.If you haven’t done so, you must create an Account User Id and password, and have requested affiliation to your organization. Or if you have an User ID and are affiliated to your organization complete the APPRES Site Coordinator Information form and return to PPR staff in one of the methods described on the form. To request a form contact PPR staff at or by phone at 1-866-301-6206.The employee would follow the steps in the APPRES Affiliation Guide to create a User ID and password and to request affiliation to your organization. Once the employee has performed these steps the individual designated as the Site Coordinator for your organization would approve the request and the employee will have access.To request the guide contact PPR staff at or by phone at 1-866-301-6206.Sign into APPRES with your existing User ID and password, your previous organization should have terminated your access upon your departure. When you sign in you should see the “Request New Affiliation” button, click on the button, supply the affiliation code of the organization you wish to affiliate to, click Add, Save (at the bottom), and continue (at the top). The Site Coordinator would then approve the request.Follow the steps on the last page of the Site Coordinator Information guide to terminate access for an individual. To request a Site Coordinator guide contact PPR staff at or by phone at Account inquiries:
Navigate to the Account website at and click on Forgot your username or password link.You would only create an Account User ID at the request of the Site Coordinator (or a person in authority at the organization you are employed at). Follow the steps in the APPRES Affiliation Guide which can be found under the APPRES Enrolment and Administration tab to create an Account and password. For further assistance please contact PPR staff at or by phone at 1-866-301-6206.Navigate to the Account website at and sign in with your username and password. Click on the appropriate link to update your information.
If have any questions that you feel would benefit this FAQ please let us know at